
“Could you provide some api docs?" I heard recently from my colleagues which are working on mobile part of the application. You can ask now… well where the problem is? We have already swagger and other tools. Unfortunately our team does not want to expose the api docs as the web resource, so the aim was to create some static output of api docs… and this was not as trivial task as I assumed at the beginning.

How to

Just for clarification the project was setup with maven and below examples provide information related to maven only. Moreover tests was written in Spock, however it can be simply adapt to junit if required.

Required repositories and dependencies

After some investigation I found that to achieve the goal I need some additional repositories and repository plugins to get the solution works.



Standard swagger and swagger2markup dependencies are of course also required:


First step - create swagger.json

I used swagger to create json version of api documentation. To get this done a test (as presented below) was written. Test triggered with other tests through CICD pipeline each time a new portion of code is merge to master branch.

The test itself:

@SpringBootTest(classes = CoreApplication.class)
class GenerateSwaggerSpec extends Specification {

    WebApplicationContext context

    def 'generate swagger.json file'() {
            MockMvc mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).build()
            File swaggerFile = new File("target/generated-sources/swagger.json")
                    .andDo({ result -> Files.write(result.getResponse().getContentAsString().getBytes(), swaggerFile) })

As presented the swagger generated data are get and written to the file predefined in the target directory.

Second step - process swagger file trough swagger2markup

Swagger.json file needs to then be processed with swagger2markup where markup language was in this cas ASCIDOC. Whole operation needs to be defined build block of pom file. First plugin get the file generated in first step and use specified markup language (ASCIDOC here) to generate output in this language at location defined in plugin ../generated-sources/swagger/


To get this work plugin which build ASCIDOC needs to be used too.


In presented snippet few things are going on. To get better understanding we can read snipped from buttom to top.

  1. Plugin read output from swagger2markup -> ASCIDOC processing located in …/generated-sources/swagger/.
  2. Then the file from location …/src/main/resources/asciidoc/ called index.adoc is used
  3. Plugin process data and output html static file at location of …/generated-sources/swagger-html/

I believe that point 2 needs some more explanation Mentioned index.adoc must be specified upfront in the presented location. The structure of this file is already defined and should look exactly as in snippet below:


Some more details about the process

Above structures points to files generated with swagger2markup process, and they will be automatically inserted in the order as described in index.adoc.

Hint about the CICD

In the above case swagger.json was generated at test stage of CICD pipeline. The static html file was constructed at mid-step between test and deploy stages. The html-apidocs are available to team members at storage of the cloud solution provider.****